Praise for Selected Work
The Alzheimer's Years: A Mother and Daughter Reunion
As the population ages…Alzheimer’s is causing enormous apprehension for a growing number of people. There is both concern about how to take care of loved ones, as well as interest in understanding how to identify the affliction. The paradox is that currently the existence of Alzheimer’s can only be diagnosed posthumously. Adding to the mystery is the fact that many of the disease’s symptoms are features of normal aging. A frequent response to the onset of Alzheimer’s is denial, but the opposite premature diagnosis—is also common.
The Alzheimer’s Years is a timely contribution for those struggling to understand memory loss and other signs that may signal the onset of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Ms. Ober carefully limits her story to her experience with her mother, but many readers will react to her descriptions more personally.>

The Alzheimer’s Years: A Mother and Daughter Reunion offers a glimpse into the paradoxical world of a dreaded disease and its human impacts. The author promises that readers will often find themselves laughing, and true to her word, Ms. Ober delivers an uplifting and often amusing tale. The best reason to pick up this book, however is its graphic description of a woman’s declining years and her family’s experiences of both love and loss….
As the population ages…Alzheimer’s is causing enormous apprehension for a growing number of people. There is both concern about how to take care of loved ones, as well as interest in understanding how to identify the affliction. The paradox is that currently the existence of Alzheimer’s can only be diagnosed posthumously. Adding to the mystery is the fact that many of the disease’s symptoms are features of normal aging. A frequent response to the onset of Alzheimer’s is denial, but the opposite premature diagnosis—is also common.
The Alzheimer’s Years is a timely contribution for those struggling to understand memory loss and other signs that may signal the onset of Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia. Ms. Ober carefully limits her story to her experience with her mother, but many readers will react to her descriptions more personally.
Emotionally spot on and so profoundly important for many people. A must read for anyone involved with the medical care of Alzheimer's patients, family caregivers who are lost and bewildered and any of us (older people) who are scared or already experiencing signs in ourselves and in those we love.
The Dogtown Chronicles, Our Life and Times with Sheep, Goats, Llamas, and Other Creatures
Enhanced by Kirschman's gorgeous color photographs and line drawings by Connie Mery, Ober's book explores how wildlife and domesticated pets enrich our lives by teaching us about the natural world and how to care for our fellow creatures... Ober's observations are delightful and sometimes heart-wrenching—particularly sections about the elderly, mistreated, and malnourished Sharif, whom the couple rescue and nurse back to health.
For those of us who have had many animals in our lives, death is the part of their story that we rarely tell, yet it is significant in our memories and part of our real education in the complexity of what life is... We are rarely offered such an honest chronicle of life's mysteries.
West Marin Review
"An unpretentious, homespun collection of thoughtful journalism, poetry, music, and art....">
Finding Hope When a Child Dies: What Other Cultures Can Teach Us
“A wise and courageous response to the painful questions that arise for us all after the death of a child... Written for both families and health professionals, [it] offers a new way to speak of and cope with this greatest of all life’s tragedies.”
Thousands of Words You Already Know in Spanish: 3024 Common, Useful, Spanish Nouns, Verbs, and Adjectives already in Your Vocabulary
Sometimes My Heart Goes Numb: Love and Caregiving in a Time of AIDS
“The spiritual depth of these skilled caregivers repeatedly inspires us to learn more about our capacity to serve others. I highly recommend this fine book as an important guide to understanding that true health begins and ends with the caring of mind, body, and spirit.”